frequently asked questions

Welcome in our FAQ. Hereunder are key usual questions to guide you. In case, you need to know more, to suggest an idea, please contact us hereunder:

On an industrial site, who is concerned by FireCube?

Any person interested in having a cleaner boiler, with more up-time, lower operating costs with reduced emissions: they can be Operators, from Maintenance, from HS&E, Buyers…

At what level of power can FireCube be linked?

FireCube can serve thermal systems (boilers, heaters…) from a few MWthermal to several dozens of MWth

Is FireCube efficient on any type of fuel?

Most of the fuels can greatly benefit from the FireCube boost, for example Heavy Fuel oils or Biomass; but in the case of gas, the performance is not as good compared to other fuels.

In case of Excess CO, how can it be reduced?

Thermal oxidation of the fuel can be complete thanks to FireCube, and that contributes to reduce or even fully eliminate CO

How to treat a boiler which tends to have fouling / clogging behaviour?

FireCube makes the deposits more fragile, dustier, drier and more draining : FireCube acts as a chemical sweeper

How to save on energy consumption?

FireCube increases the global efficiency of boilers by simultaneous actions : catalytic boost, better thermal transfer on cleaner exchangers and better fine-tuning (less excess air…)

What kind of regulated emissions can FireCube reduce?

In addition to unburnt (CO, VOC), FireCube contributes to limit the NOX, the SOX (case of HFO), the dust and particles (PM2,5 PM10 )

Can FireCube facilitate the combustion of wet fuels?

Yes indeed. FireCube helps to overcome the low dryness content of wet biomass

What about injecting directly a metallic powder?

It does not work! This is due to the size of grains (specific area of vapors is far higher) and the state of matter (active VS stable acc. to temperature)

Is FireCube expensive?

No. FireCube is a service, not an investment and the global benefit is much higher than the cost.

Is it easy to install a FireCube?

In most of the cases, setting up FireCube is quick with no need to stop the boiler.

Is there any agressive or corrosive action of FireCube on the structure of the boiler?

Quite the contrary, FireCube metallic oxides protect steels and refractories from agression of other compounds from combustion.

FireCube delivers a metallocene: are there any HS&E issues?

The metallic oxydes going through the flammes are in tiny quantities and definitely harmless. Meanwhile the metallocene is a REACH registered precursor and is dedicated to FireCube application

If catalytic doping is that interesting, why is it still little known?

Catalytic doping of the combustion in boilers is a young and hardly known science because related chemistry is still developping. Top laboratories such as those we are collaborating with, consider that this science could become a standard in the coming decades.

Once FireCube is installed, is there anything more to do to increase further energy efficienc ?

Yes : more energy can be saved in the exhaust heat thanks to dedicated systems supplied by manufacturers (economizers, air-preheaters...), with nor serious risk of fouling / clogging neither dew point.

In the event of using HFO, what is the minimum consumption to benefit from FireCube?

About one thousand tons a year.

Is FireCube applicable on domestic boilers?

No. FireCube is only dedicated to industrial applications and urban heating networks which operate boilers of a significant size.

Can EcoSoftec offer training or education on the catalytic concept in combustion as presented?

No, EcoSoftec is an industrial company.

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ECOSOFTECFor further information
Contact Ecosoftec :+33 (0)457 368 500
Alpespace, 415 voie Nicolas Copernic, Lot 6 Bât. McKinley II
73800 Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac - France
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