Case StudiesPaper industry
Smoke-tubes boiler operated at 10 TSteam, 7 bars pressure, fed with N°2 HFO (LSC):

Increase in efficiency: 5.5%
No CO detected, whatever the load factor
NOx reduced by 20%
Pulverization of deposits
Smoke emission temperature at the minimum design level

Next challenge: install an economizer or an air pre-heater without any steam blowing
Case StudiesDairy industry
Water+Smoke tubes boiler of 20 TSteam, 37 bars pressure, fed with waste wood:

Deposits removal in combustion chamber
Clinker and glass forming prevented
Time for maintenance reduced by a factor of 3
Instant peak performance up to 23 TSteam/hour, and 450 TSteam/day instead of 350 before ending a cycle.

Next challenge: attempt to operate with a cheaper fuel of lesser quality
Case StudiesWood-base industry
Water-tubes cogeneration boiler of 18 TSteam, 65 bars pressure, fed with bark and woodchips.

Reduced emissions of steam and soot; steam totally dedicated to production.
Higher proportion of low-quality fuel (lower GCV)
Operating conditions improved
The boiler is consequently globally operated more cost-effectively.

Next challenge: cut down the overall operational cost
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ECOSOFTECFor further information
Contact Ecosoftec :+33 (0)457 368 500
Alpespace, 415 voie Nicolas Copernic, Lot 6 Bât. McKinley II
73800 Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac - France
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